發表 年份 |
研究作者 | 研究名稱 |
2024 | Sudhanshu Agrawal、Anshu Agrawal 和 Mamdooh Ghoneum | Biobran/MGN-3 是一種阿拉伯木聚醣米糠,可發揮抗 COVID-19 作用並增強人類受試者的免疫力 Biobran/MGN-3, an Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, Exerts Anti-COVID-19 Effects and Boosts Immunity in Human Subjects |
2023 | Yonghui Yu, Jingjie Zhang, Jing Wang and Baogao Sun | 米糠萃取物及發酵產物的抗癌活性及潛在臨床應用 The anti-cancer activity and potential clinical application of rice bran extracts and fermentation products |
2023 | Soo Liang Ooi, Sok Cheon Pak, Peter S. Micalos, Emily Schupfer, Rob Zielinski, Thomas Jeffries, Garth Harris, Terry Golombick, David McKinnon | 米糠阿拉伯木聚醣化合物與癌症患者生活品質(RBAC - QoL):隨機試驗可行性試驗的研究計畫經過同行評審 Rice bran arabinoxylan compound and quality of life of cancer patients (RBAC - QoL): Study protocol for a randomized pilot feasibility trial PEER REVIEWED |
2023 | Mamdooh Ghoneum、Shaymaa Abdulmalek 和 Hewida H. Fadel | Biobran/MGN-3一種阿拉伯木聚醣米糠,可預防嚴重急性呼吸綜合症冠狀病毒2 (SARS-CoV-2) :體外和計算模擬研究 Biobran/MGN-3, an Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, Protects against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An In Vitro and In Silico Study |
2022 | Scott Giese, BS, George Richard Sabell, BS, Mary Coussons-Read, PhD | 攝取米糠和香菇萃取物對健康大鼠淋巴球功能和細胞激素產生的影響 Impact of Ingestion of Rice Bran and Shitake Mushroom Extract on Lymphocyte Function and Cytokine Production in Healthy Rats |
Hajto Tibor, Péczely László, Kuzma Monika, Hormay Edina, Ollmann Tamás, Jaksó Pál, Baranyai Lilla 和 Karádi Zoltán | 鏈脲佐菌素誘導胰島素缺乏對大鼠抗腫瘤先天免疫防禦的增強作用 Enhancing effect of streptozotocin-induced insulin deficit on antitumor innate immune defense in rats |
Ahmed F. Elsaid、Sudhanshu Agrawal、Anshu Agrawal 和 Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGN-3膳食補充劑可增加老年受試者的先天抵抗力並降低流感樣疾病的發病率:一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照的臨床試驗 Dieatary Supplementation with BioBran-MGN-3 Increases Innate Resistance and Reduces the Incidence of Influenza-like Illnesses s in Elderly Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Trial |
Serge Jurasunas. |
研究名稱 |
Zhenguo Zhao , Wei Chengb, Wei Qu , Kai Wang | 米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3透過粒線體依賴方式減輕放射線引起的小鼠腸道屏障功能障礙 Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) alleviates radiation-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction of mice in a mitochondrion-dependent manner |
Nariman K. Badr El-Din、Doaa A. Ali、Reem Othman、Samuel W. French、Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3對大鼠肝癌發生的化學預防作用 Chemopreventive role of arabinoxylan rice bran, MGN-3/Biobran, on liver carcinogenesis in rats |
Dorothy Faye S. Tan, MD, Jerickson Abbie S. Flores, MD | 米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3對接受放射治療的頭頸癌患者血液學、營養狀況和生活質量的免疫調節作用:一項雙盲隨機對照試驗 The Immunomodulating Effects of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (Lentin) on Hematologic Profile, Nutritional Status and Quality of Life among Head and Neck Carcinoma Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy: A Double Blind Randomized Control Trial |
Nariman K. Badr El-Din,*, Said K. Areida , Kvan O. Ahmed and Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3可增強艾氏腹水癌動物的放射治療 Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) enhances radiotherapy in animals bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma |
研究作者John E. Lewis、Steven E. Atlas、Muhammad H. Abbas、Ammar Rasul、Ashar Farooqi、Laura A. Lantigua、Frederick Michaud、Sharon Goldberg、Lucas C. Lages、Oscar L. Higuera、Andrea Fiallo、Eduard Tiozzo、Judi M . Woolger、Stephanie Ciraula、Armando Mendez、Allan Rodriguez, and Janet Konefal |
研究名稱在一項隨機、雙盲安慰劑對照試驗中,水解多醣膳食補充劑對 HIV 感染者的免疫、肝和腎功能的新影響
The Novel Effects of a Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Dietary Supplement on Immune, Hepatic, and Renal Function in Adults with HIV in a Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Control Trial |
Tibor Hajto | 改善 MHC-I 非限制性惡性腫瘤免疫機制的新觀點 New Perspectives to Improve the MHC-I Unrestricted Immune Mechanisms against Malignant Tumors |
研究作者John E. Lewis , Steven E. Atlas, Oscar L. Higuera, Andrea Fiallo, Ammar Rasul, Ashar Farooqi, Olga Kromo, Laura A. Lantigua, Eduard Tiozzo , Judi M. Woolger, Sharon Goldberg, Armando Mendez , Allan E. Rodriguez, and Janet Konefal |
米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3對成人非酒精性脂肪肝患者生物標誌物的影響 The Effect of a Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Dietary Supplement on Biomarkers in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
研究作者Soo Liang Ooi, MMath, BHSc (Comp Med), Debbie McMullen, BHSc (Comp Med), Terry Golombick, PhD, Dipl Nut 和 Sok Cheon Pak, PhD |
米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3作為常規癌症治療的補充療法的循證審查 BioBran/ MGN-3 Arabinoxylan Compound as a Complementary Therapy for Conventional Cancer Treatment |
AHMED F. ELSAID, MAGDA SHAHEEN and MAMDOOH GHONEUM | 米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3一種阿拉伯木聚醣米糠,可增強老年受試者的NK細胞活性:一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照的臨床試驗 Biobran/MGN-3, an arabinoxylan rice bran, enhances NK cell activity in geriatric subjects: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial |
研究作者Tibor Hajto
標準化的植物免疫調節劑:米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3能否增加MEK和BRAF抑製劑的臨床益處?膽管癌一例報告 Can a standardized plant immunomodulator (rice bran arabinoxylan concentrate/MGN-3) increase the effects of MEK and BRAF inhibitors with clinical benefit? Case report of a patient with carcinoma in biliary duct |
Tibor Hajto | 腫瘤研究迫切需要標準化和循證植物免疫調節劑-如米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGN-3 Urgent Necessity for Standardized and Evidence Based Plant Immunomodulators (Such As Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Concentrate/MGN-3) for the Tumor Research |
Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3在癌症免疫治療中的應用越來越廣泛 From Bench to Bedside: The Growing use of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3 /Biobran) in Cancer Immunotherapy |
Hosny Salama、Eman Medhat、Magda Shaheen、Abdel-Rahman N Zekri、Tarneem Darwish, and Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3抑制慢性 HCV 感染患者體內的病毒水平:一項隨機試驗 Arabinoxylan rice bran (Biobran) suppresses the viremia level in patients with chronic HCV infection: A randomized trial |
Xia ZHU, Aya OKUBO, Naoki IGARI, Kentaro NINOMIYA and Yukari EGASHIRA | 改性米糠半纖維素通過VEGFR2及其下游信號通路體外抑制血管內皮生長因子誘導的血管生成 Modified rice bran hemicellulose inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenesis in vitro via VEGFR2 and its downstream signaling pathways |
Mamdooh Ghoneum | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3在癌症免疫治療中的應用越來越廣泛 From Bench to Bedside: The Growing use of Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3 /Biobran) in Cancer Immunotherapy |
Anton Pérez-Martínez, Jaime Valentín, Lucía Fernández, Enrique Hernández-Jiménez, Eduardo López-Collazo, Petra Zerbes, Ellen Schworer, Fernando Nuňéz, Inmaculada Génesis Martín, Hannah Sallis, Miguel Ángel Díaz, Rupert Handgretinger & Matthias Manuel Pfeiffer | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3,增強自然殺手細胞 - 針對神經母細胞瘤的細胞毒性,體外和體內實驗 Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) enhances natural killer cell — mediated cytotoxicity against neuroblastoma in vitro and in vivo |
Tibor Hajto, Lilla Baranyai, Angelika Kirsch, Monika Kuzma and Pal Perjés | 植物免疫調節劑對模式識別受體的協同激活能否增強腫瘤治療的效果?子宮卵巢肉瘤一例報告 Home Products Research Distributors Contact Can a synergistic activation of pattern recognition receptors by plant immunomodulators enhance the effect of oncologic therapy? Case Report of a patient with uterus and ovary sarcoma |
Nariman K. Badr El-Din, Doaa A. Ali, Reem Othman, Samuel W. French,Mamdooh Ghoneum | 改善 MHC-I 非限制性惡性腫瘤免疫機制的新觀點 |
M. Ghoneum and S. Agrawal | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3通過上調樹突狀細胞上的 DEC-205 表達增強細胞毒性 CD8+ T 細胞的生成 The Effect of a Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Dietary Supplement on Biomarkers in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
Tibor Hajto | 改善 MHC-I 非限制性惡性腫瘤免疫機制的新觀點 MGN-3/BIOBRAN Enhances Generation of Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cells Via Upregulation of DEC-205 Expression on Dendritic Cells |
Takeshi Kamiya, Michiko Shikano, Mamoru Tanaka, Keiji Ozeki, Masahide Ebi, Takahito Katano, Shingo Hamano, Hirotaka Nishiwaki, Hironobu Tsukamoto, Tsutomu Mizoshita, Yoshinori Mori, Eiji Kubota, Satoshi Tanida, Hiromi Kataoka, Noriaki Okuda, and Takashi Joh | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3在改善腹瀉症狀的混合型腸易激綜合徵(IBS)的治療效果:隨機對照研究試驗 Therapeutic Effects of Biobran, Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, in Improving Symptoms of Diarrhea Predominant or Mixed Type Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Study |
Tibor Hajto | 改善 MHC-I 非限制性惡性腫瘤免疫機制的新觀點 New Perspectives to Improve the MHC-I Unrestricted Immune Mechanisms against Malignant Tumors |
Mamdooh Ghoneum, Nariman K. Badr El-Din, Doaa A. Ali and Mai Alaa El-Dein | 來自米糠的改性米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3在體外使轉移性乳腺癌細胞對紫杉醇敏感 Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran, MGN-3/Biobran, Sensitizes Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells to Paclitaxel In Vitro |
Tibor Hajto and Angelika Kirsch | 使用槲寄生凝集素和米蕈多醣體BioBran/MGN-3免疫調節劑改善腫瘤患者生活質量 Case Reports of Cancer Patients with Hepatic Metastases Treated by Standardized Plant Immunomodulatory Preparations |
Dr. Ahmad Ijaz Masood, Dr. Rabeeta Sheikh, Dr. Rana Atique AnwerMasood AI, Sheikh R, Anwer RA | 米蕈多醣體BIOBRAN/MGN-3減少乳腺癌患者化療副作用的效果。 Biobran MGN-3: Effect of reducing side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients |
Mamdooh Ghoneum, Nariman K. Badr El-Din, Salma M. Abdel Fattah and Lucilene Tolentino | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3提供經全身γ射線照射後小鼠造血組織修復保護 Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) provides protection against whole-body γ-irradiation in mice via restoration of hematopoietic tissues |
Surina Zheng, Shunsuke Sugita, Shizuka Hirai, Yukari Egashira | 通過抑制 NF-kB 和 JNK/MAPK 表達,低分子部分米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3(一種來自米糠的改性阿拉伯木聚醣)對急性肝損傷的保護作用 Protective effect of low molecular fraction of MGN-3, a modified arabinoxylan from rice bran, on acute liver injury by inhibition of NF-kB and JNK/MAPK expression |
Danna Cholujova, Jana Jakubikova, Brarnislav Czako, Michaela Marisova, Luba Hunakova, Jozef Duraj, Martin Mistrik, Jan Sedlak. | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3調節多發性骨髓瘤患者的先天免疫 MGN-3 arabinoxylan rice bran modulates innate immunity in multiple myeloma patients |
研究作者John E. Lewis , Steven E. Atlas, Oscar L. Higuera, Andrea Fiallo, Ammar Rasul, Ashar Farooqi, Olga Kromo, Laura A. Lantigua, Eduard Tiozzo , Judi M. Woolger, Sharon Goldberg, Armando Mendez , Allan E. Rodriguez, and Janet Konefal
一項開放標籤、隨機臨床試驗,用於評估一種新型寡糖化合物在健康成人中的免疫調節活性 An Open-label, randomized clinical trial to assess the immunomodulatory activity of a novel oligosaccharide compound in healthy adult |
Angela J. Henderson, Cadie A. Ollila, Ajay Kumar, Erica C. Borresen, Komal Raina, Rajesh Agarwal and Elizabeth P. Ryan. | 米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3的化學預防特性:現狀和未來前景 Chemopreventive Properties of Dietary Rice Bran: Current Status and Future Prospects |
研究作者S. Zheng, H. Sanada, H. Dohi, S. Hirai and Y. Egashira
研究名稱改良的米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3對 D-半乳糖胺誘導的大鼠 IL-18 表達和肝炎的保護作用
Suppressive Effect of Modified Arabinoxylan from Rice Bran (MGN-3) on D-Galactosamine-Induced IL-18 Expression and Hepatitis in Rats |
研究作者M. Ghoneum, S. Gollapudi
研究名稱米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGM-3和薑黃素 (薑黃) 在體外對人多發性骨髓瘤細胞系 U266 的協同凋亡作用
Synergistic apoptotic effect of Arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) and Curcumin (Turmeric) on human multiple myeloma cell line U266 in vitro |
研究作者Dr. Tran Thi Minh Phuong
The clinical effectiveness of BioBran in immunotherapy for patients with hepatitis B |
研究作者M. Ghoneum and S. Agrawal
Activation of Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells In Vitro by the Biological Response Modifier Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/Biobran) |
研究作者Mai Hong Bang, Tran Van Piep, Nguyen Tien Thinh, Le Huu Song, Trinh Tuan Dung, Le Van Truong, Le Van Don, Thai Doan Ky, Deyu Pan, Magda Shaheen and Mamdooh Ghoneum
Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3) Enhances the Effects of Interventional Therapies for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Three-year Randomized Clinical Trial |
研究作者D.Cholujova, J.Jakubikova, J.Sedlak
研究名稱 |
研究作者El-Din, E. Noaman and M. Ghoneum
研究名稱 |
研究作者M. Ghoneum, M. Matsuura and S. Gollapudi
研究名稱改性阿拉伯木聚醣米糠 (MGN-3/Biobran) 增強體外人類吞噬細胞對微生物的細胞內殺滅能力
Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran (MGN-3/Biobran) Enhances Intracellular Killing of Microbes by Human Phagocytic Cells In Vitro |
研究作者S. Gollapudi and M. Ghoneum
研究名稱 |
研究作者P. Lissoni, G. Messina, F. Brivio, L. Fumagalli, L. Vigore, F. Rovelli, L. Maruelli, M. Miceli, P. Marchiori, G. Porro, M. Held, G. di Fede, T Uchiyamada
研究名稱天然藥物調節抗癌免疫:米蕈多醣體Biobran/MGN-3抑制局部局限性或轉移性實體瘤患者的 T 調節性淋巴細胞生成
Modulation of the anticancer immunity by natural agents: inhibition of T regulatory lymphocyte generation by arabinoxylan in patients with locally limited or metastatic solid tumors |
研究作者Karriem H. Ali, M.D.
Epigenetics and Immunosenescence Reversal: An Evidence-Based Longevity Paradigm |
研究作者M. Ghoneum
研究名稱 |
研究作者M. Ghoneum, J. Brown and S. Gollapudi
研究名稱 |
研究作者J Markus, A. Miller, M. Smith, I. Orengo
研究名稱廣泛局部切除和 MGN-3 治療的皮膚轉移性血管外皮細胞瘤
Metastatic Hemangiopericytoma of the Skin Treated with Wide Local Excision and MGN-3 |
研究作者M. Ghoneum and S. Gollapudi
研究名稱體外乳腺癌 MCF-7 細胞的凋亡是由酵母特異性誘導的,而不是由真菌菌絲體誘導的 |
研究作者M. Ghoneum and S. Gollapudi
研究名稱 |
研究作者M. Ghoneum and S. Gollapudi
研究名稱阿拉伯木聚醣米糠 (MGN-3/Biobran) 在釀酒酵母誘導的單層乳腺癌 MCF-7 細胞凋亡中的協同作用 |
研究作者Kihachiro Takahara and Kamataro Sano
研究名稱 |
研究作者Yasushi Okamura
研究名稱BioBran 在癌症免疫治療中的臨床意義
The Clinical Significance of BioBran in the Immunotherapy for Cancer |
研究作者Maeda H, Ichihashi K, Fujii T, Omura K, Zhu X, Anazawa M, Tazawa K
研究名稱水解米糠口服給藥基於其免疫調節作用預防老年人感冒綜合徵 |
研究作者Tomonori Kawai
One Case of a Patient with Umbilical Metastasis of Recurrent Cancer (Sister Mary Joseph's Nodule, SMJN) Who has Survived for a Long Time under Immunomodulatory Supplement Therapy |
研究作者Kenichi Ichihashi
研究名稱接觸 BioBran 治療慢性風濕病患者的經驗
Home Products Research Distributors Contact Experience with Administration of BioBran in Patients with Chronic Rheumatism |
研究作者Ghoneum M, Abedi S
研究名稱改性阿拉伯木聚醣米糠 (MGN-3/Biobran) 可增強老年小鼠的自然殺傷細胞活性。
Home Products Research Distributors Contact Enhancement of natural killer cell activity of aged mice by modified arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran). |
研究作者Hiroshi Tsunekawa
Effect of Long-term Administration of Immunomodulatory Food on Cancer Patients Cmpleting Conventional Treatments |
研究作者Ghoneum M, Matsuura M.
研究名稱改性阿拉伯木聚醣米糠 (MGN-3/biobran) 增強巨噬細胞吞噬作用
Augmentation of macrophage phagocytosis by modified arabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/biobran) |
研究作者Kazutoshi KAKETANI, Hanzomon Gastrointestinal Clinic
Home Products Research Distributors Contact A Case Where an Immunomodulatory Food was Effective in Conservative Therapy for Progressive Terminal Pancreatic Cancer |